Tuesday, January 17, 2006

life is so unpredictable.. u can be healthy one day and be really sick the next.. feel so sad when i visited ibrahim this evening.. the state i saw him i almost teared.. he look so weak.. all skin and bones.. apprently during SOC days he had a small tumor behind his neck and was on a long MC.. went for kemo and stuffs.. came back after afew months and looked alrite.. when i ORD he had a relasp and it was quite bad.. went for lots of kemo and medication and apprently he was ok for awhile..

recieved a msg from bengbeng yesterday and found out ibrahim was admitted in dover hospice. was shocked to hear what happened.. according to his infomantion he told me bra only had like a couple of days left.. i was in total shock.. this guy used to play soccer macham beckham with us.. went for movies and makan at newton..went for the wwe smackdown tour together with his brother.. share the same quaters and all and suddenly he was down with cancer.. blood cancer.. leukemia.. (is that how u spell it?)

heard last week he was admitted to SGH and thought he was going to go.. water in his lungs.. couldnt breathe.. chocking.. to tell u the truth.. i was frightened of what i heard.. things he had to go through.. all the suffering and pain..couldnt walk no energy to get up.. on drips and dipers... saw his parents and they said no more kemo for him.. now only his will to survive and heal.. usually hearing that.. it doesnt really sound comforting. is it there is no more hope of curing? cancer cells had already spread all over his body.. he had quitted school for a long time.. the last time he spoken to me afew months back he was asking for his metal solid 2 game back.. haiz.. i'd better find it.. 25yrs old and hit with such a big impact.. but i know usually when this kind of thing hit someone.. they are just waiting for the day to move on..

dear ibrahim.. i pray for u to get better.. get well.. get better.. stay alive!!! u are still too young!!
now its the best time to lie to urself.. give urself lots of hope.. motive urself to live on.. please!

Thursday, January 12, 2006

little updates..

my new bed is coming tmr! weeeeee! spent almost my whole AWS buying it.. and bedsheets of course.. time to do a little spring cleaning.. chinese new year is coming .. but gotta work on the monday..shucks.. at least its morning shift.. not so bad.. applied for tuesday leave.. hope that ass clown approves..

will be flying to bangkok on 16th feb! going for a rock concert and OASIS is performing and other bands as well that doesnt really interest me..hehe.. if its not that good i will be going for the one at the indoor stadium..

wonder whats the bonus forcast.. think mine is gonna be pro-rated..

been raining non stop for the past week! need some sunshine.. need a tan!!!

Sunday, January 01, 2006


been a crazy and wacky year.. lots of uphills and downhills..
been a year of recovery for those who have been hit by the tsumani on boxing day 2004
those who are working in NKF are going to be retrenched.. even though they are earning peanuts.. lots of peanuts.. about 60,000k of them..
people come and go..
those who were jobless now are finally working..
those who are alone is with someone..and the other way around..
things that are unexpected happened..
all are awaiting their year end bonus.. I KNOW I AM...!
made new friends..
saw some enemies..
saw how people changed.. from bad to worse.. to being more responsible.. more independent.. self centered.. selfish.. cunning.. from ugly duckling to a swan.. friends getting married..
another year of walk over during elections..
people grow older and fatter (ME) think its about time i start taking my health seriously.. no more weekends of drinking..
feel so much older now.. literly after going to mambo on wed.. can't believe the songs that we just jiggy and groove to last time now have dance movements! its like everyone bought a manual and memorised them! if only they can do the same for their studies huh?
been to hong kong, thailand, batam for holiday. whats for next year?will i ever get a chance to wear the coat i bought for $20?
mahjong becoming a weekly event all thanks to kev.. and finally unvailing the ture god of gamblers..
prices of cars dropped.. oil prices are crazy.. at one point of time it was 27% off!
so many events that flashed.. today is the 1st day of 2006.. looking forward.. i am prepared.. i can take all challangers.. (i hope) .. nothing is going to wear me down.. going to strive hard, work hard, live life to the fullest .. even though if people dun care.. i am still what i am.. being.. IVAN
goodbye 2005! HELLO 2006!!!