Tuesday, March 06, 2007

wife material?


At 10:45 AM, Blogger ANdy said...

wah wah.... is this a hints or a must have for someone..???

:P :P just kidding ah.... dun take this statement too seriously!!!! It's friday and i'm farking cranky now

At 9:04 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi your subject on wife material is interesting. Why don't we have a look at what it takes to be husband material....here it goes.....and by the way I'm happily married to an "ang moh" from Denmark who has all these qualities!!!

1. Does he think he's a lucky guy?

A man who thinks himself lucky in any way is someone who radiates gratitude, which in turn creates an aura of joyousness. But what really matters is that of a man who feels wildly fortunate to have you in his life, because a guy who feels that way will make sure you know you're adored. And how lucky is that?

2. Are his little faults things you can handle?

Does he drink directly from the carton? Hang sweaty clothes on the bathroom door? Stockpile old newspapers? But accepting someone, little faults and all, is part of love. You've got to think big picture here: Don't let his habit of rattling ice in a glass cloud your vision of a man who's caring, respectful, honest and loving.

3. Can he name the parts of you that he finds most beautiful?

If you know right now, without asking, that he loves the smell of your back, or the way your belly sort of bulges when you lie on your side, or that your cheeks are the softest part of your face, then he must have told you more than once. And that's a beautiful thing.

4. Would he take the last sip of milk for his morning coffee?

Even in a sleep-deprived, late-for-work, barely-able-to-select-a-tie stupor, the man who leaves you the last splash of milk for your coffee is a man who understands consideration.

5. Can he keep a secret?

Not all secrets are the same, and we all know that. Some are meant to be told and others are meant to be taken to the grave. What's most important is that the two of you categorize secrets, both large and small, in the same way.

6. Do you know how much money he has?

Not to the penny, but a ballpark figure. And here's the catch: You should know because the two of you have discussed it openly and honestly.

7. Has he seen you when you're at your worst?

Worse than no makeup. Beyond bad hair. We're talking about the really evil side of you that's a brutal cocktail of bitter depression, stunning irritability and Olympic-level bitchiness. If he's seen that you and he can handle it without calling 911, then he may be a keeper.

8. Does he kiss you firmly?

A listless, uncommitted kiss is like a limp, clammy handshake (nice to meet you, sort of). Even the most gentle, tender kiss needs to feel like it knows where it's going.

9. Does he wear a seatbelt?

Wearing a seatbelt is a tiny gesture that says he cares about himself and his well-being. Like eating vegetables. Or wearing sunscreen. Takes a minute, lasts a lifetime.

10. Is he fun?

A fun man is someone who enjoys life. He laughs at jokes, enjoys a good meal, finds entertainment and dances when the mood strikes. There's a certain youthful lightness to a man who's fun, because he knows how to live in the moment. Now that sounds like fun.


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